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Welcome to
Birmingham Heritage Forum
Visitor attractions full of history!

facebook logotwitter logoExplore this website to help you plan your visits, and experience Birmingham’s rich heritage. Birmingham has a rich and varied heritage which reflects its transition from small country town to great industrial city. (A - Z members list here)

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Every year, in September, places across the country throw open their doors to celebrate their heritage, community and history.The national Heritage Open Days this year are from 6th to 15th September. Heritage Open Days website

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Birmingham Heritage Week is from 6th to 15th September. https://birminghamheritageweek.co.uk/

Please visit the appropriate website where you will find all the up to date information.

All Heritage Open Days events are FREE as are many of the Birmingham Heritage Week events.

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Birmingham Heritage Forum would like to acknowledge the support of:
The Limoges Trust, The W A Cadbury Charitable Trust, The Baron Davenport's Charity. The S & D Lloyd Charity